Here are 5 reasons why I think having cameras monitoring your home is beneficial.

1. Provides you a peace of mind for when you’re not at home. Check in and see what’s happening whether you are on vacation, at work or just out for the day.

2. Can help you understand what happened in the event of a break in or damage to your property. Cameras can only do so much, if there is a person trying to break into your home, and their face is covered, the cameras won’t help you identify the person directly. But what they can, is it tell a story of what’s happening. Everything that your cameras catch will matter to the authorities, the car that was driven, direction the perp came and left, etc.

3. Provides safety when you come home or leave your home, take a look at live video footage to see any activity.

4. Deters people from wanting to break in. When security cameras are spotted or even signs that the home is being monitored, the chances of anything happening at that point is decreased.

5. You could help a neighbour, because not only do your cameras capture your property, it could capture a break in or theft that is taking place at your neighbours. Again depending where and how your cameras are placed.

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